Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Eyeball Licking..

I looked at my phone's notepad and saw a note titled 'Reminder' so I opened it and it read, "Blog about licking eyeballs!"
So this is me, doing that I told myself to do?

My story about eyeball licking:
As the 3rd eldest of 12 cousins, I was left in charge of the younger ones frequently.
I liked to lick their eyes.
One day, I liked a boy and he liked me and we were hanging out, watching a movie. It was cool, things were going well and we were hitting it off. Unfortunately, I found myself abnormally comfortable around him and when I'm like that around people they usually find out fairly quick that I'm pretty weird.
I have random thoughts; things jump into my mind, and I generally speaking blurt them out.
I told him about my prior eyeball licking endeavours and asked what he would do if I licked his eyeball.
That ended quick.
I'm so smooth and sure know how to woo boys hey?

Will blog more later


  1. "I liked to lick their eyes." uhhhhhhhhh. yeah, completely normal...
    On another note, I've licked Danielle's and Tessa's eyeballs often, it's really satisfying.

  2. normal is relative to circumstances i guess.
