Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Goodnight Moon

I got a tattoo on Saturday.
My parents don't know.
I'm dead when they find out.
I'm also hard as fuck.
Unfortunately, certain "friends" are unsupportive and told me they hated it.
Thanks a tonne, bitch.

Joookes! I don't care, I love it!

Tomorrow I have basketball practice with a bunch of 6-foot-something male airheads. I look forward to improving my skills in time for my 3 on 3 tournament this weekend.
Hopefully my team, The Fantastic Four, draws a crowd (that means you, Jeff)
I voted our team be called The Four Skins.. But my teammates weren't on board.


I'm making this my homepage like I said I would so I blog more often.

Goodnight Moon.


  1. did you get a tat of a horse? across your chest? I think that would be pretty pimp.
    I'm busy on caturday, I might roll down to the ghetto on sunday though, if anything is going on...

  2. it's actually the air jordan logo on my ankle, and it says "WE NOT ME" next to it.
