Who cares?
Why does it matter?
Why do people waste so much time talking about other peoples lives?
Why do people waste so much time reading about other peoples lives?
Why do people waste so much time being concerned with what other people are doing with their lives?
Why does it matter?
Who cares?

Remember the story of this guy last August?
He wanted to live in Beverly Hills, roll like a celebrity.
This man got on a reality show, almost won some Playmate's heart on VH1, got the boot, moved to Vegas, and married the girl in that picture within 24 hours of meeting her.
A few months later, she was found dead, her naked body stuffed in a suitcase and tossed into a dumpster, with her fingers and teeth removed.
The media immediately amplified the news around the world, and anybody who knew him was a primary target.
Things happen, way worse than this, and are never published.
More so, this man was initially not even a suspect. Until the media fabricated the story to make it interesting, everything was fine. Websites like thehollywoodgossip.com and tmz.com and TV shows like Nancy Grace got all of North America into a panic, and he was charged with murder.
He was scared, naturally, and ran. Within a week or so, he was found in a hotel in Hope, BC, where he hung himself.
He left a last will and testament on his laptop computer, also found in the hotel room, where he never admitted to committing the crime. So, thanks to the media and all the nosy, bloodthirsty people in the world, a potentially innocent man killed himself.
They couldn't stop at that though, nope.
Facebook groups, articles continued. They couldn't get over how this "psychotic murderer" took the coward's way out.
They accused anyone who was related to him and attended his funeral of being inconsiderate, crude people and wished multiple times that he, and anyone in his family would go to and burn in hell.
A couple of comments:
"Anyone who kills someone and then hangs themselves before they face up to what they did deserves to be mocked. I think this is hilarious!"
"That F#%&er murdered his lady,chopped her up, cut off her fingers and pulled out her teeth, stuffed her in a suite case and pitched her in a lake or somethig. His death deserves to be made mad fun of. So much F&#k him!"
"This does look like like Ryans dad, and I can tell you what Ryan looks like. He's got burn marks around his neck and his flesh is rotting in hell. I hope his dad joins him one day for making a spectacle of this."
"Boy is it hot here!
Posted at 11:38 PM on Oct 2, 2009 by R Jenkins"
Maybe when that's their second cousin in that position they'll understand.
Fuck the media.
Tell me about it! It's a little ironic because I want to be a journalist. I guess you could say I have a plan to work my way to the top of something like TMZ and totally shut it down.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand the idea that people have resorted to discussing other people's lives and exposing their secrets as a means of entertainment.
Is there no intellectual ability left out there?
If all that attention was channeled into something productive... could you imagine?