Hopefully I can get all sorts of stories flowing.. happy, sad, angry, funny, the works!
I'll try and do it often :)

Alright, so above we see (left to right) myself, my friend Hannah, and my friend Kristi on St. Patrick's Day Eve 2009 in Dublin, Ireland.
This may have been one of the most eventful nights of my life. I'm sure if I keep this picture/story thing up, you'll hear lots about this trip.
My school offers a trip to different places in Europe every spring break, so in grade 10, I went to Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales. Of course, we had a curfew of 10 pm or something, and were not allowed to roam the streets, as it was a school sanctioned trip.
Our teacher put scotch tape on the outside of our door, and check it in the morning, so if it had been broken, he'd know we snuck out. If we were caught doing that, we would be sent home at our own expense. We heard about this trick from previous students who travelled with Mr. Rosicki and acknowledged it. We had no intention of being sent home, and were good girls the entire trip.
However, our hotels were SHIT, and at about 11:30 on that night, Hannah was checking the locks on the door, and it was kind of broken. The lock would keep spinning, even after it had latched. So, jiggling the handle to be sure it was locked, Hannah accidentally opened the door. Kristi and I were sitting on the beds and instantly looked at one another with a panicked expression yelling, "TAPE!"
All three of us ran into the hallway, glancing around the edges of the door, and we initially thought that it had to have been a fable, made up by the teacher to scare us, as we expected a large piece of duct tape halfway up the door. We sighed with relief, but sure enough Kristi spotted the small piece of scotch tape flapping near the top of the door and our hearts nearly stopped all over again.
We tried phoning the teachers room, but the phones didn't work, so we went up there. He must have been out partying, because we banged and banged on his door with no answer. So, there we were in the hallway of a hotel in Dublin, crying because we all thought we were going to be sent home for going out on St. Patrick's Day Eve, when a 20-something year old Italian man approached us and asked if we were okay. I blurted out everything that had happened like a blubbering fool and all he had to say was "I'm sorry. I don't speak English."
FUCK OUR LIVES. Haha, I tried to explain everything that happened in simple english and used a lot of hand motions. He eventually understood and offered to help by smoothing the tape over. Luckily I had been to Japan and had to live with a family who spoke no English just months before because my hang motion communication skills were pretty sharp.
We went into our room, watched him smooth over the tape through the peephole in the door, and felt easier in our minds. We took pictures holding clocks next to our luggage in our room to prove we were there just in case.
Not long later, Kristi and I were waiting for Hannah to shower and we heard that sound when you tape something to a wall and it crackles and falls because the tape is weak and not very sticky. We panicked thinking the tape was coming off and ran to the door, looking out the peephole. There was Mr. Rosicki! I guess he takes off the tape that night, because he figures we would have gone out by then! We were really scared that he could tell it had come off and been put back on, but he ambled away and just rolled it up and threw it on the ground.
So, we thought it was all over by now and laid there while Hannah showered, windows open, listening to the constant noise that lulled over the whole city that was in party-mode 2.0. On our street alone there was 7 discotheques, one of which was in our hotel. Some of our group had to change rooms in the middle of the night because it was too rowdy. Our room had windows that opened outwards, without a screen, and it went to a roof. We were on the second floor and underneath us was a big meeting room or something, next to the disco. While Kristi and I were sitting there talking, we heard someone or something on the roof! Already traumatized from the earlier events that night, we convinced each other it was the Italian man coming back for us and laid between the beds.
We weren't there for 2 minutes before Hannah came out wrapped in a towel, and looked at us in a pretty puzzled way. She asked what we were doing and we shouted at her to close the window. She asked why and we just shouted at her to close it (she was the oldest after all!) But, she too got scared and jumped on top of us.
Wow this is long. But I'll be happy I did it later in life. I'll look back at my blog and love it, haha.
But anyways, we probably laid there for 20 minutes bickering about who would be the one to close the window and listening to the eerie sounds of someone on the roof. We all managed to get shoes in our hands without going above the edge of the beds, as we were scared to be seen, so on 3, we were supposed to jump up and Kristi would lean out, close the window, and Hannah and I would close the curtains. We counted, and when the procedure was complete, Kristi and I turned to see Hannah still on the ground with two shoes on her face making the "Home Alone" cover face.
Unfortunately, Kristi didn't latch it shut, and the window popped open moments later. Round two, we fixed it, and went to bed.
Officially the scariest night of my life and proof that it's easy to scare one another.
I'm going to go swimming with a cute boy tonight, :)
My other stories probably won't be that long, fyi Jeff and Raine.
And maybe Jordan?
Do I have a new fan?
hahahaha, this is tight. I love travel stories.
ReplyDeleteI was bummed that you didn't go party with mystery Italian though.